Epiphany | The Ministry Of Listening

How do we share our faith? Perhaps it doesn’t start with what we say to people, but with how we listen to them. 1 Corinthians 9 challenges us to a Jesus-shaped mission that enters into the stories and struggles of others.

7th Anniversary | God, Who Makes Things Grow.

We’re 7 years old! That’s right, this weekend marks the seventh anniversary of Restoration Church. In this special message, Jusin looks back on our story, looks forward to what lies ahead, and shares how God is growing us together.

Special Message | Why Can’t We Be Friends

Let’s face it: in this hyper-connected-yet-isolating world, having friends – and keeping friends – is hard. It’s one thing to make time to be in the same room with others, but growing in friendship? That feels harder than ever before. In this special message, Justin...

Epiphany | Apprenticeship With Jesus

Some words make their way through different times and cultures, and along the way, they accumulate baggage. Before long, they lose their original meaning altogether. One such word? Discipleship. In this message, we dive into what it originally meant be a disciple and...

Christmas | The Tyranny Of The Familiar

In a crowded temple with thousands of people passing them by, the baby Jesus and his parents go almost entirely unnoticed. Only Simeon and Anna – two faithful, ordinary people, found what they were looking for. In the bustle and busyness of life, Jesus often...