Feeling | Lonely

We all have a need to be seen and known and loved where we are. And no matter how crowded the room we find ourselves in, if we still feel unseen and disconnected, we will feel one of the toughest feelings of all: loneliness. In this message, we unpack what loneliness...

On Earth As It Is In Heaven | Wait… Submit?

Does the New Testament demand the subjegation of women in marriage? For decades, this has been one of the most divisive controversies in the Church. In this message, Justin shares why a deeper look at these difficult passages shows a vision for marriages and...

On Earth As It Is In Heaven | Set Apart

Let’s face it… we’re different. In what is considered the thesis statement of Peter’s first letter, we find out why we’ve been set apart – by and for a purpose that goes far beyond ourselves. (1 Peter 2:9-12)

On Earth As It Is In Heaven | A Quiet Resistance

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority.” Wait, WHAT? This might be one of the most selectively cherry-picked and weaponized passages in the Bible – and one *the Bible itself* seemingly contradicts. So… what does it mean...

On Earth As It Is In Heaven | Death Defying Joy

Suffering is a reality. It’s not a matter of *if* we’ll walk through the fire, but rather what will be left on the other side? 1 Peter 1 is a weighty, hard-fought hope that weary people like us desperately need to remember time and again. (1 Peter...