Lent | Saved By ___________ ?

Grace is not just something we receive, but something we participate in. In this message, our Student Pastor Casey shares from Ephesians 2 and the reality of grace in our journey with Jesus. 

Special Message | Women And The Church

What is the role of women in the Church? It’s been hotly debated for centuries in the Church. A few difficult passages in the New Testament seem to support a secondary, diminished role for women… but is that what the Bible truly teaches? In this message, Justin shares...

Lent | A Cruciformed Life

How do we understand the meaning of the cross for this life, and not just our afterlife? In this message, Justin shares about how the cross is not simply the means of our salvation, it’s the model for our life with Jesus.

Lent | Don’t Waste The Wilderness

As we come to the first Sunday of #Lent, we begin the wilderness – a place of scarcity and isolation. We all find ourselves lost from time to time in a spiritual desert. But what if this isn’t a detour, but rather the road we were always meant to take with...

Epiphany | Transfiguration Sunday

It’s one of the strangest yet most significant stories in the Gospels: a supernatural moment that brings together the past, the present, and the future of Jesus’ identity and vocation in the world. And for us, it’s a reminder that because He is who...

Epiphany | The Ministry Of Listening

How do we share our faith? Perhaps it doesn’t start with what we say to people, but with how we listen to them. 1 Corinthians 9 challenges us to a Jesus-shaped mission that enters into the stories and struggles of others.