Epiphany | Enemy Love As Resistance

Of all of Jesus’ commands, his call to love our enemies might be the most radical – and yet the most needed in a moment like this. Sunday, I’m unpacking why love for our enemies isn’t just a lofty ideal to admire, but a kingdom strategy of resistance to the...

Epiphany | What Love Demands Of Us

Known by our theology? Nope. By the superiority of our morality? Nope. By the passion of our activism? Nope. By the allegiance of our politics? Nope. By the depth of our knowledge? Nope. Jesus said the world would know us by agape – steadfast, self-giving love....

8th Anniversary Service | Growing Up Together

This weeked, our Church family turned 8 years old! This Sunday, we’re going to look back at where we’ve been, celebrate where we are, and talk about the mission we’re seeking as we moved into our future as we “grow up together.” (Ephesians...

Epiphany | When The Waters Rise

There is a through line that weaves through the Scriptures around the deep, dark waters of chaos. Disorder. We all try to push back against its power. But here’s the question: what if God is not saving from from it, but rather through it? (Isaiah 43:1-7)

Christmas | Good News Embodied

When salvation arrived, it did not come in the form of a new set of rules, a superior philosophy, or a purer religion. No, God gave Himself. This Sunday we begin the new year with perhaps our oldest and dearest hope: that Jesus is what God is saying to us. (John...