 Pursuing Racial Justice & Reconciliation
“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the
fatherless;Â plead the case of the widow.”
Isaiah 1:17 NIV
We are at at a pivotal moment in our country. As followers of Jesus, seeking justice and reconciliation through confronting racism and white supremacy is central to Jesus’ call to love our neighbors. On the whole, the Church in America has been all too often complicit through silence or outright participation in the systemic racism that’s pervaded our country’s history. At Restoration, we believe the journey of repentance and faithfulness lies in education, conversation, and action. On this page, you’ll find resources and connections to help you take your next step.
Be The Bridge
Before we can have much-needed conversations about racial reconciliation, many white people need to understand their own identity and story concerning race. In the past few years at Restoration, a group of 25-30 people from a variety of churches completed Be The Bridge 101, a class specifically designed to help white people understand white supremacy, identity, fragility, and privilege. Afterwords, we facilitated our first Be The Bridge 2.0 group, a 9-session experience focused on awareness, acknowledgement and lament, guilt and shame, confession, forgiveness, repentance, reparation, restoration, and reproduction. We’re not currently hosting a Be The Bridge group (we hope to soon!), but you can find everything you need at the Be The Bridge Academy.
Recommended ReadingÂ