
Lent | Recovering Our Hunger

Lent is about naming and releasing that which makes us too full to be hungry for God. Like Jesus, the Spirit is leading us into a place of vulnerability and need - because that's where we learn to trust. 

Epiphany | Jesus After Disillusionment

Six days after a moment of profound failure and disillusion, Peter sees Jesus in radiant glory. In the same way, grace meets us in our disillusionment and disappointment, helping us to see the same Jesus with new eyes. (Matthew 17:1-9)

6 Years Together | Welcoming Like Jesus

Over the next three weeks, we're casting vision for the future we'll share together as a Church family. This week, we talk about what it means to be welcoming like Jesus. (Luke 15:1-7)

For The Joy | Tears Are The Seeds

We were unable to gather as a whole Church family in person, but in this podcast, Justin shares some encouragement about cultivating joy as we move into the New Year together! (Psalm 126)

Christmas | Restore To Me The Joy

We remind ourselves at Christmas that we have a future that is powerful enough to sustain us in the present - and that even when the darkness seems too much to bear, joy comes in the morning. 

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