
Eastertide | Seeing The Bible Through Jesus

Two disciples walk away from Jerusalem, disappointed and disillusioned. They had the right Jesus, but the wrong story. And as He does with us, Jesus walks with them, helping them unlearn and relearn everything they thought they knew about Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)

Baptism Sunday

In this special message, you'll hear what we believe about baptism, why it matters, and hear a powerful testimony of God's restoring love. 

Easter | The Scars Of Resurrection

Jesus' resurrection scars are an invitation to see our own in light of the empty tomb - and know that nothing is beyond the scope of restoration. (John 20:24-28)

Lent | The Friendship Of Jesus.

In John 11, we learn who God is in the grief and questions we face: He is a friend. Jesus willing enters into our sadness and weeps with us - even knowing resurrection is on the way. (John 11)

Lent | Reading The Bible For A Change

As a part of a unique Sunday gathering, we looked at Psalm 23 together, talked about how we come to understand the Bible, and then broke down the "sermon" as a whole community. 

Lent | Insiders/Outsiders Part 2: The Woman At The Well

The woman at the well was a powerless religious outsider who, in her questions and longings, met God where she least expected Him to show up. Like Nicodemus in the chapter before, she must unlearn and relearn everything she thought she knew in light of Jesus. (John...

Lent | Insiders/Outsiders Part 1: Nicodemus

One was a powerful, Jewish insider meeting Jesus in the middle of the night. The other a powerless, Samaritan outsider meeting Jesus in the heat of the day. Both encounter Jesus, and in the process, help us answer a foundational question for both insiders and...

Lent | Recovering Our Hunger

Lent is about naming and releasing that which makes us too full to be hungry for God. Like Jesus, the Spirit is leading us into a place of vulnerability and need - because that's where we learn to trust. 

Epiphany | Jesus After Disillusionment

Six days after a moment of profound failure and disillusion, Peter sees Jesus in radiant glory. In the same way, grace meets us in our disillusionment and disappointment, helping us to see the same Jesus with new eyes. (Matthew 17:1-9)

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