This past Sunday, we continued our “Love Your Neighborhood” series with a message titled “Good News To The Poor.” In Luke 4, Jesus makes it clear that his mission impacted the poor and oppressed, and as our heart is shaped to be more and more like his, ours will be too. We are joined by Melissa Tibbs and Lindsay Anderson from Community Action Council to give us a clearer picture of what poverty looks like in Lexington – and what our next steps can be to be good news to the poor. Check out the podcast, Scripture, and community questions – along with recommended resources!

Podcast: iTunes,
Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-4

Recommended Resources

When Helping Hurts
Practicing The King’s Economy
Beyond Charity
Restoring At Risk Communities
The Chalmers Center


Next Step Questions

There’s plenty of stereotypes about poverty that make their way around to us. What are the common stereotypes you’ve heard about poor people?

Isaiah 58:10 tells us to spend ourselves on behalf of the needy. How would you describe the difference between spending our money and spending ourselves?

Guilt and shame are never good motivators to move us to action. How would you describe the difference between serving the poor because we should and serving the poor out of our identity in Christ?