- Righteousness and justice are inseparable in the Scriptures, encompassing the divine wholeness that all of creation was made to reflect. What brokenness – in the world or in yourself – is burdening you right now?
- Sin not only fractures our relationship with God, but with our neighbors, with creation, and with ourselves. Beyond our vertical relationship with God, what are some of the horizontal expressions of sin in our world?
- When we make righteousness all about ourselves, we distort the life Jesus intended us to live. What are some of the ways you’ve seen Christian’s distort the idea of “righteousness?”
- Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. Righteousness comes from outside of us, a gift to receive and live. How does do we live from righteousness instead of living for righteousness?
Fasting. That ache we feel for God’s wholeness to come and put the world to rights? Not only should we embrace it, we should cultivate it. If we’re honest, the hunger we have for God’s justice in our world can fade. Fasting is a way to stoke that hunger and tune our hearts to God’s movement in our world. This week, fast from a meal and pray for God to bring his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven – in your life, in our city, in our country, and in our world.
You Version Bible App – online Bible and tons of reading plans
The Bible Project – videos, podcasts, and resources that help you understand and study the Bible
Daily Prayer App – a resource to guide your daily Scripture and prayer
Storied Narrative Lectionary – videos designed to help immerse you in the big story of the Bible
Prayer Course – an amazing free resource that helps you learn what prayer is – and how to do it