
Epiphany | What Love Demands Of Us

Known by our theology? Nope. By the superiority of our morality? Nope. By the passion of our activism? Nope. By the allegiance of our politics? Nope. By the depth of our knowledge? Nope. Jesus said the world would know us by agape - steadfast, self-giving love. So...

8th Anniversary Service | Growing Up Together

This weeked, our Church family turned 8 years old! This Sunday, we’re going to look back at where we’ve been, celebrate where we are, and talk about the mission we’re seeking as we moved into our future as we "grow up together." (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Epiphany | When The Waters Rise

There is a through line that weaves through the Scriptures around the deep, dark waters of chaos. Disorder. We all try to push back against its power. But here's the question: what if God is not saving from from it, but rather through it? (Isaiah 43:1-7)

Christmas | Good News Embodied

When salvation arrived, it did not come in the form of a new set of rules, a superior philosophy, or a purer religion. No, God gave Himself. This Sunday we begin the new year with perhaps our oldest and dearest hope: that Jesus is what God is saying to us. (John 1:1-18)

Christmas | The Vulnerability Of God

There is a paradox at the heart of Christmas: the God of all glory not only becomes human, but vulnerable.  Jesus arrives in the messy vulnerability of our humanity, taking on not only a human body, but a human life – with all of it’s complexities. Why? Because He’s...

Advent | Mary’s Protest Song

Mary wasn’t anything like the serene and sanitized depictions we often see during the Christmas season. This poor, Galilean, teenage girl stepped into the story of God with boldness and trust, and the song she sings while pregnant with the Savior of the world is a...

Advent | The Good News Of Judgment

JUDGMENT.😬 Some streams of Christianity try to gloss it over. Others love to project it onto everyone else – except (conveniently) themselves. So what do we do with these promises of judgment – and how do we understand them through the lens of Jesus? (Luke 3:1-6,...

Advent | A Doxology In The Darkness

Advent begins not in the bright lights of Christmas, but in the darkness of our need. As we wait for the coming of our Savior, we remember that the darkness we face is not a place of God’s absence, but His presence. 

Feeling | Lonely

We all have a need to be seen and known and loved where we are. And no matter how crowded the room we find ourselves in, if we still feel unseen and disconnected, we will feel one of the toughest feelings of all: loneliness. In this message, we unpack what loneliness...

On Earth As It Is In Heaven | Wait… Submit?

Does the New Testament demand the subjegation of women in marriage? For decades, this has been one of the most divisive controversies in the Church. In this message, Justin shares why a deeper look at these difficult passages shows a vision for marriages and...

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