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Read John 15:1-9

1. Abide. Remain. This isn’t a passive act, but rather a proactive act of continual trust in Jesus. What doe you think it means to abide?

2. Bearing fruit is a natural product of abiding in Jesus. Where have you seen spiritual fruit through acts of rest and patience obedience?

3. The Vinedresser is always working to bear fruit in our lives. Where do you see God bearing fruit in your life right now?


Practicing Restoration: 9 Practices To Pursue Jesus Together

Over the next month, we’re unpacking 9 practices that will move us towards Jesus together as a Church. This week, we’re looking at the first three: Practices of Communion. These practices help us continue to abide in the presence of God, who is already present and at work among us.

1. Spend daily time abiding in the presence of God through Scripture and Prayer. Daily seek to abide with God through study and meditation on His Word and in the practices of prayer.

2. Spend weekly time in Sabbath rest celebrating and enjoying the abundance of God. Weekly slow down, rest, and cease producing in order to live into and trust the abundance of God in your life.

3. Regularly attend Sunday gatherings for worship, learning from the Scriptures, and Communion. Consistently gather with fellow believers for a time of celebrating and experiencing the presence of God together.


Spiritual Practice Assessment