In this season where our Church is unable to gather as a whole family for worship, we’re seeking to equip our Restoration family for God’s work among them – right where they are. That’s what Home Church is all about: giving you tools to gather with community groups or other believers (*safely* in person or online) for a shared experience of worship with the whole Restoration family. Below, you’ll find three movements of worship together: Worship (praise and prayer), Word (opening the Scriptures), and Witness (talking it out and living it out. So whether with a community group or a friend or two, let’s worship together!
As we make our way through the story of God, we are prioritizing the discipleship of our children through our Family Worship Guide each week! Each week, you’ll find questions, activitives, and other fun stuff that follows along with the same passages as the adults. Join us!
Family Worship Guide:
Click here!

Worship is the continual process of orienting our hearts around that which we value most. Each Sunday, we worship in song and prayer to offer our hearts and allegience to Jesus, who alone is worthy of our praise. In your Home Churches, we encourage worship through the use of the video below or by worship in person. If you cannot participate through song in your group, spend time answering this question:
What do I have to praise God for this week?
Prayer for the week:
Spirit of God, you are the revelation of every good thing.
From your heart flows good news for the oppressed. You bring low the hills so the valleys may be filled.
From your hands flows healing for the brokenhearted. You bind up wounds and create purpose and passion.
From your lips flows the proclamation of freedom for captives. You release the prisoners and the jailers all the same.
Now from our grateful hearts flows the oil of gladness instead of mourning. You uplift and uphold.
Now from our hands flows your anointing, as we do unto the least of these as we would do unto you.
Now our lips carry songs of rejoicing in you, our refuge and strength, as you breathe righteousness into the world.
May this universe bend toward your glory as you fill all in all.
In your mighty name, amen.
This Week’s Scripture: Isaiah 61
Whether among your community group or a few friends over Zoom, we want to challenge you to move beyond just knowledge and information and into practicing the way of Jesus in your everyday life! But we do this together. Below you’ll find some questions to discuss, as well as next steps for living it out!
Studying The Scriptures Together
- The good news of Isaiah 61 is for the poor, brokenhearted, and oppressed. In your city, where do you see these kind of people represented, and what might good news look like to them?
- The “good news” is carried by messengers proclaiming that a victory has been won by the King. In your faith journey, who was the first messenger of the Gospel for you? From whom did you first hear the message of Jesu?
- The word “justice” in verse 8 is the Hebrew word Mishpat – which means creating a culture of equity and just relationships for the sake of the vulnerable. What are some of the ground-level ways you can pursue this kind of justice in your life?
- In verses 3-4, the ones who are restored by God are sent to be rebuilders within a broken world. How has God’s restoring work of grace in your own story helped you see the brokenness of the world around you? How has it propelled you to live as a restorer in your city and beyond?
Resources And Next Steps: