Each week, we gather to remember our Story. Through music, scripture, communion, and encouragement, our gatherings anchor our hearts in Jesus’ restoring work both in and around us. Here’s what’s coming up this weekend!



This Week’s Songs:

Welcome King Jesus – © Jennie Lee Riddle, Kaden Slay, et al.

Gracefully Broken  – ©  Matt Redman, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, et al.

I Surrender All – © Judson W. Van DeVenter & Winfield Weeden

So Will I – © Benjamin Hastings, Joel Houston, & Michael Fatkin


Read Ephesians 3:14-21

Paul makes it clear in this passage that we experience the fullness of God’s power and love together. How have you experienced the power of love of God through other believers in a way that you’d never have on your own?

Roots provide nourishment and stability. Paul tells us to be rooted in love. Think about a time when your life felt out of control and unstable. How did the love of God expressed through others hold you in a difficult time?

Scot McKnight defines love as a rugged commitment to be with another person as for that person as both of us seek to become what God wants of us, that is, Christlikeness. What are the counterfeit definitions of love our world offers? How is the love of God different from the love we hear about in the world around us?

In verse 20, Paul says God does more than we can ask or imagine. Our faith often rises and falls on our expectation of God’s presence and work in our lives. How would you describe your level of spiritual expectation right now? What are you asking God for that is beyond your ability and imagination?



1 John 3:18 tells us: Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. Our love for God, neighbor, and enemy is empty when it doesn’t lead to actions of love in the lives of others. This week, put love in action! Find a way to tangibly show the love of God through an act of service, encouragement, or kindness. Not random, intentional. Pray about who God might lead you to love well this week!