Core Practices
Joining God Where We Are
Back in 2017, Restoration began with a simple statement that summed up the mission God was calling us to as a community: We believe Jesus is restoring people who restore the world. Our mission is to join him. If this is true, the purpose and mission of our lives isn’t “bringing God” into the places and among the people where we believed He was missing. Instead, because he is already present and at work among us, our mission is discover and join His work where we are. This is discipleship: being present to the God who is already present in and around us, and by His Spirit, joining Him.
Practicing the Presence Of God
But learning to discern and join the work of God in our lives doesn’t happen by accident – it takes practice! As a Church family, we share a common set of practices centered on joining God where we are. These practices serve both to shape our personal faith and give direction to who we’re becoming as a community – built around three movements we see in the life of Jesus: Communion, Community, and Co-Mission.

Joining God Through Communion
We believe that God is always present and at work among us. We want to cultivate an awareness of how His Spirit is at work in and around us, experiencing more of His presence and work in our lives. Because of this, we committed to the practices of:
Abiding daily in the presence of God through Scripture and Prayer.
Abiding weekly in the abundance of God through practicing Sabbath rest
Abiding together in the power of God through worship with our Church family.
Resources: YouVersion Bible App, The Bible Project, Daily Prayer App,
Storied Narrative Lectionary, Sabbath Resources
Joining God Through Community
We believe growth never happens in isolation. Our own restoration is a community project, as we learn to love our neighbors and enemies as ourselves. We see the Church as a family where people come together to share their stories and grow together in the beautiful mess of life. Because of this, we commit to the practice of:
Sharing my faith journey with a Home Church with intentionality.
Sharing my story with 1-2 friends each week with vulnerability.
Sharing and my gifts and time within community with hospitality.
Resources: Restoration Community Blog, Home Churches
Joining God Through Co-Mission
We believe God is already present and at work in the world around us. Our mission is to join him! Just as Jesus taught us to pray for his kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven,” we seek to embody his kingdom through tangible acts of hospitality, justice, and sacrificial love – welcoming others into the same love we are experiencing in Jesus. Because of this, we commit to the practices of:
Partnering with God through sharing how Jesus is restoring me with those exploring faith .
Partnering with God through intentional prayer in and for my neighborhood in our city.
Partnering with God through seeking restoration in our city through justice and reconciliation.
Resources: Community Partners/Sign-Ups, Hospitality Resources
*Adapted from Gravity Leadership