We love having Church on Sunday night. But sometimes, things come along (like the Super Bowl) that throw a wrench in the plans. This Sunday, the potential is there for the same thing. If UK wins tonight against UCLA, there is a very good chance their game is played around 5pm on Sunday night. Which, as you know, is right during our service.
So we had a choice – have our regular service that (let’s be real) almost no one will come to, or make the most of it. So given the potential for these events to transpire, we’ve come up with a UK Game Backup plan should UK advance and play their game at 5pm Sunday. What is it, you ask?
A Watch Party, of course!
We’ll gather around multiple TV’s and root the Cats on together. There will be free food, too – as well as a short time of connection, devotional, and prayer at half time. It could be a great opportunity to invite a friend along.
And if UK loses? Don’t worry. It’ll be normal services Sunday night, which is pretty great too if you ask us!
So to be clear, here’s the plan for Sunday:
IF KENTUCKY LOSES: normal 5:30pm service
IF KENTUCKY WINS AND THE GAME IS AT 5PM: 5pm UK game Watch Party with free food and all sort of fun!
Either way, we would love for you to join us Sunday night! The Church isn’t a service – it’s family, and we’re excited about coming together this weekend no matter what happens.