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Read Acts 17:16-31

Paul was struck by the idols of worship in Athens. As you look at our city, what would you describe as the idols of worship that call for our allegiance?

As you read Paul’s sermon at the Areopagus, what strike you about his view of God’s character activity in his mission in the world?

Where do you see God moving behind the scenes in the lives of those who don’t know him? How can you pray for them this week?


Practicing Restoration: 9 Practices To Pursue Jesus Together

Over the next month, we’re unpacking 9 practices that will move us towards Jesus together as a Church. This week, we’re looking at the 3rd set of practices: Practices of Co-Mission. These practices help us continue to abide in the presence of God, who is already present and at work among us.

Practice hospitality through welcoming others into my home and rhythms of life. Not adding more stuff to your life – simply being intentional with the life you already live.

Share my story of faith with gentleness and respect with others who are not followers of Jesus. Not just facts about Jesus. Share Jesus in your own faith story.

Use my resources to help serve and equip the poor and vulnerable in my community. There are tons of opportunities you’ll hear about in the coming year! For more info on big