Together, we gather to be present to the God who is already present to us.

However you are joining us, we encourage you to participate in the work of God today as He speaks and leads us. Wherever you are, God is already present and at work all around us. Let’s join Him!


“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
    in quietness and trust is your strength.


Isaiah 30:15 NIV


We seek to share a common way of life – a shared journey into the life of Jesus. We do so through 3 discipleship pathways: Communion, Community, and Co-Mission. Learn more at!

Abide With Jesus


Rest is central to Restoration. This week, your task is simple: mark out time to rest. Whether that be a full Sabbath away from your work and production or a special time of simply pulling away from the noise, take a moment and be still in the presence of God.

Be Present To One Another


Discuss with your Community Group or friends this week the following questions: 1. In Matthew 11, Jesus promises us that we’d expereince rest with him. How “rest-less” are you right now? What stand in the way of experiencing more healthy rhythms of rest and renewal? 2. Saying “yes” to rest often means saying “no” to things that crowd our lives and make us weary. What “no” are you needing to say this week?

Join God’s Restoring Work

It’s often the work and service of others that allow us to step away and rest. This week, be that place of refuge for someone else. Stand in the gap in a practical and tangible way so that they can find a moment to rest.

Next Steps For Growth

Visit to learn more about the vision for community at Restoration heading into the fall!Â