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READ: Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11
Deeper Conversation
Community is about relationship. Take time to listen to and engage in one another’s stories.
One of our biggest struggles as humans is finding our identity in what – and how much – we produce. What part of your life do you struggle to meet the expectations of others – or even yourself?
There’s a big difference between escaping from reality and retreating for rest. How do we know the difference between things that distract us & things that restore us?
Engaging The Scriptures
Read Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11
In Genesis 2, we see God rest. What do we learn about God’s character in that, even in all his power, he chooses to rest?
In Exodus 20:8-11, rest isn’t just for you… it’s for everyone. What are the connections between our own rest and our right relationship to those around us? How might we help one another rest?
What is your next step in developing patterns of rest in your life?
Practicing Together
Finding Re-Creation
Sabbath rest is never simply doing nothing. It’s choosing to participate in the things that re-create us – restoring our bodies and spirits and putting us back together again. This week, mark out some time (24 hours if possible) and do things that restore you. Don’t just distract and numb yourself with entertainment. Be present, rest and be re-created.