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Read: Matthew 5:6-13 Message
Community is about relationship. Take time to listen to and engage in one another’s stories.
Deeper Conversation
Growing in prayer requires implementing intentional, daily habits. What barriers in your own life currently stand in the way of you growing in prayer?
There is prayer that’s driven by obligation… and prayer that’s driven by love. As you consider these two postures, how would you know the difference? And which have you been more prone to in your own experiences?
Engaging The Scriptures
Read Matthew 5:5-8
Jesus warns against the hypocrisy of maker prayer a performance. What are some of the markers of turning prayer into a lifeless show – personally or corporately?
Jesus encourages us to withdraw from the world to spend time with the Father. Looking at your own life, where might this place be for you?
Jesus reminds us the Father already knows our every need. If this is true, how does this change the way we see the purpose – and the practice – of our prayer?
Practicing Together
5 Day Prayer Guide
Join our 5 day prayer guide through the Lord’s Prayer – you can find it in the lobby or by visiting