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READ: Luke 5:12-16, John 5:19
Deeper Conversation
Community is about relationship. Take time to listen to and engage in one another’s stories.
If life is about obeying to get God to show up in our lives, our walk will be filled with obligation rather than devotion. Be honest – which has been a more common experience in your spiritual journey?
How would you describe the difference between a Christian life where God is always present and at work…compared to one where we hope He “shows up?”
Engaging The Scriptures
Read Luke 5:12-16, John 5:17-19
As you read the Luke story, what can you infer about Jesus’ pattern of ministry? How did he understand his role in the demands He faced?
In John 5, Jesus says he only does what the Father is doing. How does this redefine the way we, his followers, understand our walk with God?
How often to do get to withdraw from the work and expectations of your life and simply be with Jesus? What obstacles stand in your way?
Practicing Together
Solitude. One of the most under-utilized and yet deeply needed disciplines of the Christian life is solitude. When we pull back from the world to be alone with God, apart from the noise of digital (and literal) distractions of our day, we can hear the voice of the Father far clearer. This week, spend a period of time alone with God – no phone, no noise, just you and God. Maybe it’s only 15 minutes, but that’s a great place to start!