This past Sunday, we continued our “Simple Gospel” series by looking at the story of Paul’s strong confrontation with Paul in Galatians 2. We all have gaps between what we believe and the life we live – even Peter. Even after decades of powerful sermons, miracles, and building and leading the Church, Peter still had blindspots in his life – places where the good news of Jesus had yet to penetrate. And we can learn a lot from Paul’s response to how we close the gap. Check out the podcast, Scripture, and community questions below!
Podcast: iTunes,
Scripture: Galatians 2:11-14
Community Questions:
Gandhi saw the gap between the Jesus he read about and the people who claimed to believe in him. What spaces in our own culture do you see the disconnect between what we believe and what we’ve practiced?
Peter was dividing the church along racial and cultural lines, and Paul confronted him because it was “not in line with the truth of the gospel.” Racism is an often untouched topic in the church. How is it not in line with the gospel?
“We don’t need more of God. We have all of God. We need less of us.” How does the journey of spiritual growth change when we seek to be emptied of ourselves (and filled with Christ) instead of adding more spiritual baggage and to-do lists? Which way better describes your approach to spiritual growth?