This past Sunday, we continued our Practicing Jesus series by looking closer at one of Jesus’ powerful promises:Â I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance (John 10:10).” What stand in the way of an abundant life? We’ve been shaped by a culture of scarcity and fear, where we’ve been led to believe God is withholding good from us, and ultimately, there’s not enough to go around. But the life Jesus promises drive out fear and frees us to love. Podcast, Next Step Questions, and Scripture below!
Podcast: iTunes, Direct Link
Scripture: Matthew 6:25-33
Next Step Questions
A mindset of scarcity believes that in every area of life, there’s not enough to go around… that ultimately, God is withholding good from you. Where have you been tempted to believe this?
How would a mindset of abundance change your perception of your own life? What worry would begin to subside?
Scarcity drives us inward by fear, but abundance opens our life up to the opportunities to love. As you examine your own life, who is most often in the driver’s seat – fear or love?