Our Love Your Neighborhood journey has finally begun! This past Sunday, we launched our series by asking the same question that the religious experts asked Jesus: who is my neighbor? His answer, given through the Good Samaritan Story, challenges and upends our assumptions of who we are called to love. Below you’ll find links to the podcast, Scripture, and Next Steps Questions to talk over in community!
Podcast: iTunes, Podcasts.com
Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
Next Step Questions
We live in divisive times where it’s normal to spout hatred towards those unlike us. Looking at your background, who have you been conditioned to see as an enemy?
The priest and the levite had legitimate religious reasons to not show compassion… and they failed to love their neighbor. How have you seen religion be used as an excuse to not show compassion?
You may believe we should love our neighbors, but putting it into action is another thing altogether. Who do you pass by in need? Where does the love of God calling you to go?