Be the bridge


Exploring God’s Heart For Racial Reconciliation

Acting Locally 

When we look to the Scriptures, we see a call to love our neighbors through building bridges of reconciliation – not walls of division. And in order to love our neighbors well, we must be committed to listening, learning, and having meaningful conversation with those outside our racial and cultural lens. Be The Bridge is a national organization founded by LaTasha Morrison focused on local conversations around justice, repentance, and a better way forward. Here in Lexington, we’re moving into our second round of Be The Bridge conversations in the year ahead!

About Be The Bridge

Joining The Conversation

Our Journey So Far

Before we can have much-needed conversations about racial reconciliation, many white people need to understand their own identity and story concerning race. The past few years, 25-30 people from a variety of churches completed Be The Bridge 101, a class specifically designed to help white people understand white supremacy, identity, fragility, and privilege. Currently, we’re facilitating our first Be The Bridge 2.0 group, a 9-session experience focused on awareness, acknowledgement and lament, guilt and shame, confession, forgiveness, repentance, reparation, restoration, and reproduction.