Perhaps you believe in God… but what is God actually like?
The Old Testament gives us pictures of God’s character and purpose in the world, but something astounding happens when the biblical story arrives at the life of Jesus. Unlike other revelations of God before, Jesus claims to not only be God come in flesh, but the the perfect picture of God’s character and purpose in our world. He says in John 14:9, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” Later Paul calls Jesus the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15), and the writer of Hebrews says Jesus is the exact representation of his being (Heb. 1:3). In Jesus, we see what God is like.
As we move towards celebrating Easter in the season of Lent, we’re taking a journey through the Gospel of John together as a community. John’s Gospel pays particular attention to Jesus’ identity, including 7 “I Am” statements that give us insight into how Jesus wants us to relate to him. On Sundays leading up to Easter, we’ll be exploring these “I Am” statements, and starting March 11, we’ll be reading through the Gospel of John together! Below you’ll find our reading plan leading to Easter.
Our prayer for this series is that every person, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey, would have a fresh, challenging, and life-changing encounter with Jesus as we journey through his story in John.
It all starts Sunday – we’ll see you there!