In this season where our Church is unable to gather as a whole family for worship, we’re seeking to equip our Restoration family for God’s work among them – right where they are. That’s what Home Church is all about: giving you tools to gather with community groups or other believers (*safely* in person or online) for a shared experience of worship with the whole Restoration family. Below, you’ll find three movements of worship together: Worship (praise and prayer), Word (opening the Scriptures), and Witness (talking it out and living it out. So whether with a community group or a friend or two, let’s worship together!
As we make our way through the story of God, we are prioritizing the discipleship of our children through our Family Worship Guide each week! Each week, you’ll find questions, activitives, and other fun stuff that follows along with the same passages as the adults. Join us!
Family Worship Guide:
Click Here!

Worship is the continual process of orienting our hearts around that which we value most. Each Sunday, we worship in song and prayer to offer our hearts and allegience to Jesus, who alone is worthy of our praise. In your Home Churches, we encourage worship through the use of the video below or by worship in person. If you cannot participate through song in your group, spend time answering this question:
What do I have to praise God for this week?
Prayer for the week:
Divine Word,
You sent Moses to speak law to the people and bring order to chaos. You sent prophets to speak repentance and bring hope to the hopeless. You sent your son, Jesus, to become your living Word. Open our ears to hear your word, and our hearts to reflect the light of your truth to others,
for the sake of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ.
This Week’s Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
Whether among your community group or a few friends over Zoom, we want to challenge you to move beyond just knowledge and information and into practicing the way of Jesus in your everyday life! But we do this together. Below you’ll find some questions to discuss, as well as next steps for living it out!
Studying The Scriptures Together
- Today’s passage is challenging. It’s said that the Bible often “comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.” Can you think of a time when God has used the Scriptures to challenge you beyond what makes you feel comfortable?Â
- While the rich man was certainly wealthy, it wasn’t his money but rather his indifference to his neighbor’s need that Jesus condemned. How can we hold to a healthy, biblical view of money and possessions in light of the needs we see around us? How can we intentionally live from generosity instead of indifference?
- Scot McKnight asks us from this parable: Who is the Lazarus at your gate? What are the tangible needs “at your door” that you see every week? Talk with your Home Church about how you might be generous together towards the needs in your neighborhood, school, workplace, and city.
Next Steps and Resources