Through this season of dealing with the coronavirus crisis in our country, we’ll be posting resources every Sunday online for you, your family, and friends to stay connected in worship in our community.

Read This Week’s Scripture: Luke 8:22-25


How Can We Pray For You?

Even though we’re not gathering together as a community, we’d still love to pray with you about any needs you have. Fill out a Connect Card.


Give Online

Even in the midst of chaos and fear, we reject scarcity and live from abundance. Your generosity makes our community possible, and also continues our efforts to serve the needs of our community around us. Click here to give online!


Field Guide For Troubled Times: God In The Chaos

Community Questions

  1. In the biblical narrative – the sea represents the while, uncontrollable chaos of our world. As you look within yourself, in what ways are you experiencing chaos? How is it impacting your spiritual health?
  2. One of the most important things we can learn in this season is seeing God in the places we don’t want to be. In the last week, where have you seen God’s presence and work surprise you in unexpected ways?
  3. We’re all experiencing difficult circumstances right now. How would you describe the difference between our circumstances being the lens through which we see our faith… and our faith being the lens through which we see our circumstances?
  4. The most important spiritual practice in the midst of crisis is learning to discern the voice of God – but this is hard when we’re bombarded by the voices all around us clamoring for our attention. What are some of the voices that you need to “turn down” in order to better hear from God?

Community Practice

Discerning God’s Voice. Each week in this series, we’re going to push you towards tangible, repeatable practices that help you follow Jesus in troubled times. This week is all about hearing the voice of God, so we have two challenges for you this week.

Find a Place.

In your home or surrounding area, find a spot that you can set apart as a space to spend time listening to God every day.

Find A Plan.

Pick a time that you’ll daily spend in Scripture and Prayer. Put it in your calendar to remind you! If you need help with resources in Scripture and Prayer, here’s some great resources:

You Version Bible App – online Bible and tons of reading plans
The Bible Project – videos, podcasts, and resources that help you understand and study the Bible
Daily Prayer App – a resource to guide your daily Scripture and prayer
Storied Narrative Lectionary – videos designed to help immerse you in the big story of the Bible
Prayer Course – an amazing free resource that helps you learn what prayer is – and how to do it


Restoration Kids Resources

During our time without gatherings, we hope to still provide you with resources for discipling your kids. Click below to find resources together.

This Week’s Kids Resources Here!



Weekly Newsletter

In the coming weeks, we’ll be walking in flexibility until the situation in our nation stabilizes. Stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter!