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READ: Daniel 1:1-21
Deeper Conversation
Community is about relationship. Take time to listen to and engage in one another’s stories.
It’s not a question of if we are being discipled – but rather who is discipling us. What are some of the sources and voices that are shaping Americans today – for better or worse?
As followers of Jesus, what makes us different does not make us superior. How can we be both distinct AND humble in our faith?
Engaging The Scriptures
Read Daniel 1:1-21
As you read through verses 1-7, what type of emotions and feelings do you think the Jews would be wrestling with in captivity?
Daniel & his friends remain faithful to God while serving a foreign king. What can we learn about living in the tension of our spiritual & political allegiances?
What are the tensions you feel in your life now between the practice of your faith and the world around you?
Practice Together
Prayer. This week, read Daniel 6. At the end of his life, the faith of Daniel was still being challenged by the powers around him, yet he remained faithful in prayer – following the patterns that he knew in Israel decades before. Look at your schedule. Where can you carve out consistent, scheduled place in your life for prayer?