Through this season of dealing with the coronavirus crisis in our country, we’ll be posting resources every Sunday online for you, your family, and friends to stay connected in worship in our community.

Read This Week’s Scripture: John 11:1-44


How Can We Pray For You?

Even though we’re not gathering together as a community, we’d still love to pray with you about any needs you have. Fill out a Connect Card.


Give Online

Even in the midst of chaos and fear, we reject scarcity and live from abundance. Your generosity makes our community possible, and also continues our efforts to serve the needs of our community around us. Click here to give online!


Good Friday | Darkness + Dawn

Easter | Darkness + Dawn

Community Questions

  1. Jesus weeps with Mary and Martha in their grief. What does it reveal about the character of God in Jesus’ weeping at the death of Lazarus?
  2. Read Isaiah 53:1-6. What does this passage reveal about the heart of God towards our sin and suffering? How does the cross anchor us in our own suffering and grief?
  3. Even in our tears, we are following Jesus towards resurrection. What in your life is being touched by death… and where are you longing to see God bring resurrection?
  4. NT Wright says “Jesus’s resurrection is the beginning of God’s new project not to snatch people away from earth to heaven but to colonize earth with the life of heaven.” Where are you seeing resurrection in your life now? Where is heaven breaking into earth around you?

Community Practice

Practice Resurrection. As Martha saw first hand, Jesus brings resurrection from the future into the present. We practice resurrection by embodying trust in the midst of the suffering we face in our everyday lives. This week, consider what faith as embodied trust looks like in your life. Where might you step out in obedience to God’s Spirit? How can you move your faith our of the hypothetical and into the everyday practices of your life?



Restoration Kids Resources

During our time without gatherings, we hope to still provide you with resources for discipling your kids. Click below to find resources together.

This Week’s Kids Resources



Weekly Newsletter

In the coming weeks, we’ll be walking in flexibility until the situation in our nation stabilizes. Stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter!