From the very beginnings of our Church, living on mission has been central. Whether it’s painting faces at Night Market, caring for mom’s impacted by addiction with Pampering Pathways, or feeding kids at local community centers, we’ve never been shy about seeking to be good news to our neighbors and city. And believe me – this won’t change! But as we move into our 3rd year, we sense a shift in how God was working in us in regards to mission.
One of the foundational beliefs that’s shaped us is that God is already present and at work among us. We don’t stir up God and get him to “show up,” and we certainly don’t bring God with us through our acts of service and outreach. Instead, mission is joining God’s work where we already are and where we’re being sent, trusting that he’s gone before us and prepared the way. Knowing this makes a world of difference! The pressure is not on us to figure out how to serve God. Instead, our first task is to slow down, pray, and discern together where God is at work… and then join him! That’s why we call it Co-Mission. With God and with others, we step into our kingdom calling.
So as a Church, we want to put our money where our mouth is – literally! As a part of our Restore series a few weeks back, we announced that every community group would be receiving a $1000 Co-Mission Fund to join God in the mission He’s doing among them. Their role? Discern together what God is doing in their neighborhoods, jobs, schools, passions, and relationships… and join him! Will we stop serving people as a larger church body? Of course not! But we’re praying that God awakens a new passion for his mission in our lives through the power of community.
How Do We Discern?
In each community group, we’re seeking discernment through the lens of our core practices of Communion, Community, and Co-Mission. Each expression of Jesus’ life has a big question and a next step for action. As groups gather, the goal is to brainstorm around these focuses and discern what God might be leading them to do. Here’s how we break it down:
Communion: Abiding In God’s Presence
Big Question: Where have I sensed God’s presence in my ordinary life: in my relationships, in my job, or in my neighborhood?
Next Step: Pray. And pray together! Jesus tells us that the harvest is waiting for us, but our first step is to pray (Luke 10:1-2). Ask God to bring clarity to see where he is moving, and that he would make these opportunities clear. Pray for the courage to join his work in your life.
Community: Growing In God’s Family
Big Question: How can we join together in our time, talents, and resources to impact the world around us with the love of God?
Next Step: Group Inventory. What are the strategic relationships we already have? What are the resources we have at our disposal? What are the talents that we collectively have? What are the passions thats stir our hearts? Where is there common ground?
Co-Mission: Joining God’s Mission
Big Question: What are the needs I see around me? What are the spaces of brokenness that need to be made whole? How can we play a part of joining God’s restoring work in these places and relationships?
Next Step: Start with relationships, not “issues.” Who can tell you their story? What are the narratives that drive these places of brokenness? What are the dreams of the people or the community involved? Don’t assume you know what need can be met – listen first!