by Adrian Wallace
I’m not a big C.S. Lewis fan, although Jennifer, my wife is, and turned my attention to his work. One book that he wrote really gripped me called The Screwtape Letters, in particular the second chapter. In this section, the title character Screwtape (a demon mentoring a newer, less experienced demon) writes to his apprentice Wormwood about his displeasure in having allowed the human to whom he has been assigned to become a Christian. He notes, however, that all is not lost because even though The Church (Big C) through all eternity is as “terrifying” as a large army, that Church is “quite invisible to these humans.”
This line in and of itself speaks volumes. I’m not saying that there aren’t thousands of strong churches in communities across the globe, however it is an indictment on many throughout the ages, when we think about what The Church is and what her visibility is to reflect.
According to Revelation 7:9, in the Kingdom of God, there is to be “…a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language…” Also, immediately preceding Jesus’ betrayal, He prayed to the Father that The Church would visibly be one-be unified in love-so that the world would know that God had sent Jesus to redeem and restore the world.
Over the years, especially as nation after nation has perpetuated racial segregation, ministers have argued that this unity Jesus speaks of is merely spiritual. This, however, is plainly a faulty argument based on Jesus’ words in John 13 and 17. He reiterates that those who have not yet heard the Gospel will have a visible manifestation of it based on the love and unity that His Disciples show for one another, regardless of ethnicity, culture and yes, even political affiliation.
This command of Jesus has been a burden on me since I was first called to ministry. I’m comfortable in my culture, in the “black” church. I could remain in the most segregated hour of the week at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and be content, I wouldn’t be, however, being obedient to what the Lord has called me to do: pioneer and pastor the visibly unified flock required to reach this generation.
In times past, segregation might have been acceptable…to my Millennial generation…it won’t fly. It’s the reason that a new report revealed that only 4% of us are Christians.
Much like what occurred in August 1801 right here in Kentucky, at Cane Ridge in Bourbon County, we need a great awakening. We need a 21st Century Restoration Movement. This is the reason that in January 2017, I’m planting a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural church: Restoration Christian Church.
Launching with the biblical and practical principles of such a congregation, I’ll co-pastor alongside my friend, cousin-in-law and brother in Christ Justin Rhorer, intentionally showing the visible unity of shared multi-ethnic leadership.
We don’t claim to have all of the answers but we follow the One who does. Join us.