Listen: Coming Soon! | Read: Ephesians 2:1-10


This Week’s Songs:deadalive

Coming soon!


Read Ephesians 2:1-10

Ephesians 2:1-3 speaks of the reality of our sin – both in humanity and within ourselves. What has been your experience with the concept of sin? How do we talk about our sin without centering ourselves in fear and shame?

Paul tells us that sin makes us spiritually dead. What is the difference between understanding the Gospel as a move from death to life… instead of a move from being “bad” to “good?”

We are saved by grace (vs. 8) – the unmerited, unearned favor of God expressed in love. Why do you think so many of us have a tough time leaving behind a life measured by our own work and success and trusting in the grace of God to define our lives?

Verse 10 tells us that the good works that God does through us are “prepared for us ahead of time.” How does this shift your perspective on how you serve and live on mission? What are the implications for our lives?

Salvation in Christ is a movement from death to life. Looking back at your spiritual journey, where do you see that change take place – or begin to take place? Describe that moment or season and how it changed you. (And if you haven’t had it yet, tell us! We’ll help you take that next step.)


Celebrating Grace. Grace isn’t just the source of our salvation. In Christ, it’s the new reality that reshapes the way we see our world. As theologian Brennan Manning says, all is grace. Everything. This week, take a moment each day and recognize God’s grace in the ordinary spaces of our lives. Because grace is a gift we don’t deserve, look for the gifts of God hiding right out in the open, and when you see them, celebrate. Give thanks. Life is a gift – and the more we come to see this, the more freedom grace will bring.