This past Sunday, Todd Johns from Revive Ministries joined us to talk about how the kingdom life Jesus calls us into is a love without reservation – especially for the “least ofTODD these.” Below you’ll find links to the podcast, Scripture, and Next Step Questions to help you put these words into practice!

Podcast: iTunes,
Scripture: Matthew 25

Next Step Questions

Jesus’ parables speak of our readiness for the arrival of God’s kingdom in our lives. In what ways are we prone to be unprepared… and what keeps us that way?

Love towards our neighbors – specifically the “least of these” – is an act of love towards Jesus Himself.  What does this tell us about the character and mission of God that we see in Jesus?

Where do you most often encounter the “least of these?” Who are the poor, the broken, the left out, and the forgotten in your life? What would it look like to love them like Jesus?