This past Sunday, we continued in our ‘Simple Gospel” series by talking about freedom. In our American life, we have a very clear understanding of freedom that centers on us – our wants, our rights, our desires. But Galatians tells us that the freedom we have in Christ isn’t for us, but rather a freedom that opens up a life of love for God and others. Below you’ll find a link to the podcast, Scripture, and community questions to help you take the next step.

Podcast: iTunes,
Scripture: Galatians 5:1-14

Next Step Questions

The idea of “freedom” is foundational in our nations story. Every culture has a different understanding of freedom. How would you describe the modern American understanding of our freedom?

The dirty secret of religion is that is takes the focus off of God and what you have to do for him. How would you describe the difference between faith focused on God and religion focused on ourselves?

What is slavery? A life focused on us. What is freedom? A life of love for God and others. How does a freedom from a religious self focus free us to love God and others more fully?