What Love Demands Of Us

Known by our theology? Nope. By the superiority of our morality? Nope. By the passion of our activism? Nope. By the allegiance of our politics? Nope. By the depth of our knowledge? Nope. Jesus said the world would know us by agape – steadfast, self-giving love. So what does that look like at ground-level in a moment like this?

1. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. As you look at Paul’s multiple descriptions of agape love, which one stands out to you as an area of growth in your life? Explain.

2. We can’t offer the world a love we aren’t receiving ourselves. What’s something practical in your life that allows you to truly be present to God’s love for you? What is standing in the way of your stillness in the presence of God?